What we've been up to in the garden

This is intended to be just a way of keeping track of what we are doing as well as maybe some things we should be doing, things that interest us, and maybe just some random thoughts about plants. Ideally, it will also serve as a record for future reference.

Almost time to harvest garlic

June 25, 2024 •

It is almost time to harvest garlic. The lowest three leaves on the harneck are drying up and turning brown. I think it's just a matter of days.


June 26, 2024 •

I have to replant corn. I was so excited to see all of the little corn sprouts. I think they all sprouted. Then the crows systematically picked them all off. Not quite; there are about 9 out the 60 plants left. I intentionally overplanted to account for poor germination, etc. Not enough for the me and the crows though.

I also planted Hopi Black Dye sunflowers near the corn. They got all of that too. I didn't see that any of that had sprouted. Of course I know that birds love sunflower seeds. I thought I had planted enough for all of us. Apparently not.

Then there is the safflower. I planted the entire packet of about 50 seeds. There was very good germination and I got my hopes up, but there is only one very healthy (knock on wood) plant left.

What have I learned from this? Row cover. I have entire roll of the really thin stuff that would be perfect. And it helps keep the seedlings moist. I used it on the beans because I read that the birds would go after the beans. I know the birds like corn and sunflowers better than beans. What was I thinking?

Luckily, there is still time to plant more and the temperatures seem cooler than usual for the next week so fingers crossed it all works out this time with the row cover.

Next up: My turnip tragedy!